Video of the Month: January

Freya McKee: Blue

Video of the Month: December

Elliot Smith: Clementine - Live on some strange morning show

Video of the Month: November

Youtube Duet: Miles Davis Improvising on LCD Soundsystem

I HAVE RETURNED!!!!! - #005

November 10 2024

ok i was away 4 a while cause im @ university so ive been doing other stuff like having a life, reading bs, making a band, and im still learning to draw but i want to do more stuff on here now.
I FINALLY GOT THE MP3 PLAYER ☲ ☲ ☲ ☲ (og fire emoji). You can see what it looks like here. I dont mean to gush about a company like this with an undemocratic hierarchical structure in the context of this society where people are pressured into working under people who take their money and turn it into debt that also uses international freedom banned from individuals to exploit super cheap labour in a cheaper country. Buuuut im super happy with this thing so far & i really think if youre going to get a music player like this & ur like me (like buttons but dont care to hack into an old ipod nor pay someone else too much to do so) this is the one to get. Dont get it thru amazon youre smarter than that - buy it second hand if u can (really really look - dont be lazy, be good) or maybe u should go with the old ipod if u cant.
So far ive just got a couple albums on here from bandcamp and for some reason Awaken, My Love! by Childish Gambino so im gonna get a CD burner to get my CDs on here. I have a pretty respectable CD collection which ive amassed over the past 3 or so years, so i should really be free from the whole streaming malarkey. Already tho ive wanted to listen to the songs i had on this thing more than go thru the computer-phone cause it just feels better and is genuinely a better expirience (obviously) cause its a thing made for listening to music, not a website for finding music played thru a computer-phone like those things are. but also im aware its a new thing so maybe i just like it being a new thing...idk.

Since last post i watched Princess Monanoke which is really a beautiful fun exciting perfect animated cartoon story movie. Five STars! ★★★★★ Out of five!

okay ive got an essay to write about how city planners can adress climate change in regards to planning public transport so i should stop writing. I want to write about all the albums i get on my mp3 player maybe i'll do that maybe i'll delete me mentioning it. I want to change the whole site to look different (i'll b sure to save a backup of how it is now). I have so much drawing practice to scan for here i really need to get this essay done its 1:20am i have no excuse for procrastinating this long fr.

good 2 b back, hopefully i stick around for a while.

Video of the Month: October

Afroprojections #1: Closing Credits

Video of the Month: September

Subterranean Homesick Alien LIVE by Radiohead

Video of the Month: August

The Hillbillies by Kendrick Lamar and Baby Keem

small update & explanation- #004

August 27 2024

i have been looking for a good enough mp3 player for a fair price since the last post & have found nothingg. i'll keep looking but damn i was so excited just for it to be so difficult because i live in a small country so resale markets suck here.

tiktok has been going pretty well, i got like 10 people who like my music across all platforms now & like half is from tiktok.

i'm taking a break from game-dev cause i don't feel like it but i will get back to it i swear.

anyway the reason i'm making this little post is to say i'll be away from my laptop on september 1st & so the video of the month will b late.

is what it iss. as always. :o

Video of the Month: July

Dirty 30 by jpegmafia

IM STILL HERE!!! - #003

July 20 2024

Hi againnn! I just got properly back on tiktok yesterday cause i only quit it for being too addicting and it took too much space on my phone but every social media is tiktok now anyway so either i get off them all or learn to not be addicted to it & im picking the second option cause they are fun cause i love people expressing themselves. The space it takes on my 64GB phone (i'm humble like that) isn't such a big deal now cause of something really awesome...

...IM GETTING AN MP3 PLAYER! Usually my music downloads take up like 33GB of storage (& that's me relying on streaming to save space) but i have a lot of problems with how streaming is (especially spotify) for a lot of reasons so i've wanted to leave it for a while and now is the time cause i've watched a really great video by a great person which inspired me to commit to a mp3 player as a way of helping us move on from the current system by not relying on it. It is freeing! It's so exciting. Also it's better audio quality and feels better and everything and it's better for your head to separate all the stuff your smartphone does into real things.

Tiktok seems pretty great so far. It actually shares my videos with people unlike instagram which literally never does or twitter which needs insane luck that someone retweets it for anyone who cares to see. The people on there seem like they're actually expressing themselves which is awesome unlike twitter where everyone's wasting their lives complaining and hating with no action on their real problems or instagram where it seems everyone's selling something.

I've been learning godot and writing ideas for video games for a while now. I'm still way off from even starting my first real game but i will eventually and i'm excited for it. I don't want to spoil any of the story, characters, gameplay or art ideas i've got ready but im just saying i will be making a game for fun, i'm just aware of how it will take forever at the pace i'm going since i do so many other things.

I haven't made music in a few days and before that, about a week. Coming back, i really want words in my songs cause i know how important it is - people latch on to the voice more than anything else (everything else IS super important but the voice pulls everything together into a really immediate art). But i haven't been able to get into it enough to sing without shame which is the most important thing (cause even if it sucks technically, true singing is still good cause its expressive). I'm not going to rule out me ever finding the courage to sing but i think it would be a great idea to have someone else sing or rap while i do the music so im looking out for that now.

My cat died, she was with us for around 10 years. She died of stomach cancer, she wasn't eating right for a while but held on until the day she was put down. I remember staring in her eyes her last day and i could tell she was totally gone at that point, just hanging on. We buried her in the back garden and later on i lit a candle and cried about it which i don't know if thats doing too much but it helped me accept it to give it the time it deserves. It was horrible to hear my mum cry but i think i did a good job at helping her through it and she thanked me and stuff but i don't think shes took time to confront it properly yet. Pepsi had a great life and lived as much as she could. I think she got the best life she deserves which makes it easier to accept that it's over. People talk about celibrating a person's life at a funeral but i think her life itself was a sufficient celibration and now she's gone.

The election sucked, the center right party won cause they tricked everyone into forgetting that policy, ideology, and lobbying is what really matters with politicians so people voted against their best interests and celebrated after.. I'm not too surprised but there's still hope for democracy where i live and even when there isn't any after the usa finishes buying us out there's still hope we can work together without the state's help to finally (even peacefully!) end the cruel class war that is robbing people blind and keeping us from enjoying the beauty of freedom on earth.

About MY future, right now i want to teach at a university or run a library or make art but i've realised anything can come up and thats ok as long as i know what im doing in the short term and stay as free as possible to do what i love. I trust me to do me right.

Everything will be ok cause they can be!

Video of the Month: June

Ian Isiah at the Kerwin Frost Telethon

hi again! more work on site! what ive been thinking about! - #002

June 30 2024

Ok so i finished the first version of the site on the 26th & i shared it with a few people who didnt seem too into it which i dont mind.
Im gonna put more work into this now, hopefully add something like a guestbook which ive seen on other sites, flesh out the actual content a lot more, and just generally make everything better to use / look at.

Im not feeling great right now - i think it has something to do with being home for summer and just looking at my life and the world and not being happy about it. Its fine though i just need to get into a better groove with things and do more stuff i care about.
Ive been getting back into drawing since i started decorating this site & ive been reading a lot about Basquiat which is obviously super inspiring and amazing.

Ive been thinking a lot about the future, probably cause ive been seeing my parents more and with the elections where i live coming pretty soon. I think the world could get better but im usually not too hopeful about it; i know things will never be as good as they could be, at least in my life. It seems to me like most people dont really love their life and that they kind of fell into it which im very concerned about for myself.
I think for me to be happy i have to make art for my life so, although i dont know how to really, i want to live off what i make somehow. To start i should probably make as much as possible and not shut up about it, i dont think ill like that second part much lol. :/

Im not sure how personal i should get in these so ill leave it there.

thanks for reading!

hi! - #001

June 21 2024

I think the site is in a good enough state for me to start this now.
I initially decided to make this site so i could collect all of the interviews, music, art, videos, websites, games, books, information, etc. that i care about and find important into one place so that i don't have to dig through a playlist of 1000+ videos to find one performance i want to see for whatever reason. I also wanted others to access this information more easily because the friends i have shared some of this stuff with really appreciated it, which made me think everyone should have easier access to this stuff that matters so much to me.

However, while that should still be the core of this site, when i was looking through the sites on my weblist and all the sites they link to, i was having so much fun seeing all these people express themselves through their websites, i decided that i wanted to do the same & put a bit more of myself into this. That decision lead to pretty much non-stop working on this for the past 2 weeks, loving it so much.

The site isn't nearly finished, in terms of all the ideas i have for it. So, expect a lot of improvements and little additions if you decide to come back again.

Thank you so much for visiting!

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