July 2024

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[29-30 June 2024]

I drew a lot when i was a child but stopped because i was more interested in music and didn't have enough passion for it. I've learned a lot about art since then and recently fell back in love with visual art. I've kept drawing random things just for fun but nothing of note other than a portrait i did a year ago. A few days before this, i started drawing for real again but i threw that stuff away because it was embarrasing. This is me learning how to tap into that artist way of seeing things where you ignore what you think something looks like and just draw without thinking about the actual thing your drawing. I think i know how to do that now so next i should draw a ton and study spesific things so that i know deeply how to draw things how i see them to the point where it's second nature to tap into that cause right now i'm relying on tricks like distracting myself. I covered up a lot of stuff i didn't like. I don't know if thats a bad thing to do but i'll stop when i'm better i guess.

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[28 July 2024]

Started drawing out of boredom just to do it cause i know thats how you get into doing it for real.

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[28 July 2024]

Figuring out faces. Struggling with hair.

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[29 July 2024]

Learning hair by parts.

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[30 July 2024]

Circles for big curly hair. Don't need lips for open mouth.

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[30 July 2024]

Some features can/must be more/less detailed/large to have a satisfying distribution of attention for the full face. This doesn't just mean even distribution, for example, contrast can be used for a satisfying distribution - it's just that it has to feel balanced (which i guess isn't very concrete). Remember that context is very important for visual art art too.

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[31 July 2024]

Struggling with short hair. Especially with how much detail they need and where.

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[31 July 2024]

I don't like short hair anyway so i give up on that for now. Messing around.

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[31 July 2024]

I do NOT understand how bodies look.

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[31 July 2024]

Why is it easier to scribble?

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[31 July 2024]

Trying to break the body into parts so that i understand it better in order to simplify it more effectively.

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