On this website, i mostly catalogue and share art that i love or have made.
I'm gonna write some stuff about art on here too.
Art is the strongest and most versatile form of human expression. It can combine the aesthetic with the intellectual, allowing people to expirience the pure will or perspective of the artist(s). This expression, and then expiriencing of the artist's (or artists') expression connects the reciever (viewer, listener, audience, etc.) and the artist (film-maker, game-dev, musician, painter, writer, etc.) in a completely unique, close, and beautiful way. Art is not even restricted to just this use but it is my favorite and is what i look for in art.
I believe that to create something is to create meaning and that this is the only true form of meaning. I also love people, and believe that human connection is one of the most beautiful things ever.
These two things together are why i love art and care about it so much.
Until recently, i had never shared anything personal on the internet outside of just commenting because i am hesitant to express myself without careful consideration, especially if what i do can be saved and last forever.
This year, i began to do use the main "social media" platforms under @klira, and found that those platforms are intentionally restrictive to expression and inevitably become so diluted by profit led activity and distorted by the platform owners' greed, that the entire purpose of the platform is lost and they become toxic to use.
So i want to escape that toxicity and share more of myself on here, where i have way more freedom to be as expressive as i want.