Video of the Month: July

Dirty 30 by jpegmafia

hi again! more work on site! what ive been thinking about! - #002

June 30 2024

Ok so i finished the first version of the site on the 26th & i shared it with a few people who didnt seem too into it which doesnt matter.
Im gonna put more work into this now, hopefully add something like a guestbook which ive seen on other sites, flesh the actual content a lot more, and just generally make everything better to use / look at.

Im not feeling great right now - i think it has something to do with being home for summer and just looking at my life and the world and not being happy about it. Its fine though i just need to get into a better groove with things and do more stuff i care about.
Ive been getting back into drawing since i started decorating this site & ive been reading a lot about Basquiat which is obviously super inspiring and amazing.

Ive been thinking a lot about the future, probably cause ive been seeing my parents more and with the elections where i live coming pretty soon. I think the world could get better but im usually not too hopeful about it; i know things will never be as good as they could be, at least in my life. It seems to me like most people dont really love their life and that they kind of fell into it which im very concerned about for myself.
I think for me to be happy i have to make art for my life so, although i dont know how to really, i want to live off what i make somehow. To start i should probably make as much as possible and not shut up about it, i dont think ill like that second part much lol. :/

Im not sure how personal i should get in these so ill leave it there. If im embarrased by it when im in a better mood ill put a K in this box -->[ ]

thanks for reading!

Video of the Month: June

Ian Isiah at the Kerwin Frost Telethon

hi! - #001

June 21 2024

I think the site is in a good enough state for me to start this now.
I initially decided to make this site so i could collect all of the interviews, music, art, videos, websites, games, books, information, etc. that i care about and find important into one place so that i don't have to dig through a playlist of 1000+ videos to find one performance i want to see for whatever reason. I also wanted others to access this information more easily because the friends i have shared some of this stuff with really appreciated it, which made me think everyone should have easier access to this stuff that matters so much to me.

However, while that should still be the core of this site, when i was looking through the sites on my weblist and all the sites they link to, i was having so much fun seeing all these people express themselves through their websites, i decided that i wanted to do the same & put a bit more of myself into this. That decision lead to pretty much non-stop working on this for the past 2 weeks, loving it so much.

The site isn't nearly finished, in terms of all the ideas i have for it. So, expect a lot of improvements and little additions if you decide to come back again.

Thank you so much for visiting!

twitter:@klira45 | instagram:@klira.45 | soundcloud:Klira | youtube:klira